Mrs. Kidd's 7th Grade Reading Class

"Reading gives us some place to go when we have to stay where we are." –Mason Cooley

Grading Scale & Grade Weights


A: 90-100

B: 80-89

C: 71-79

D: 70

F: Below 70


Grade Weights:

Summative Assessments


Independent Reading




Guided Instruction




*Grade weights are subject to change (with notice, of course)*

Make-up Work Policy


Douglas County Policy: All students may receive credit for completing makeup work after an absence. A student will be given as many days as he/she was absent from that class to make up assignments and tests. Teachers are not required to provide assignments to students prior to an absence.

Work which is not submitted to a teacher on the assigned due date will not result in full credit. If a student is present in class, he/she is expected to turn in work at the time it is requested.

*Also, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain make-up work after an absence.  Handouts, forms, reading log sheets, and copies of notes can be obtained from the teacher, or on this blog under Current Assignments.

It is also important to note that because maintaining reading logs and Independent Journal Entries are ongoing assignments throughout the school year, absences BETWEEN due dates for these assignments will not grant a student extra time to turn them in, unless he or she is absent on the day they are due.*

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